by Art Fitness Training | Mar 13, 2018 | Articles, Blog, Nutrition
Should you have that post-workout meal? Well, does this sound like you? “The day after an intense training session, I feel sluggish and often sore sometimes even a few days after. My future sessions suffer because I’m unable to put forth 100%. I usually drink water...
by Art Fitness Training | Mar 1, 2018 | Articles, Blog, Nutrition, Weight Loss
How many times have you been told eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to lose weight? Of course fruits and vegetables are a lot better than eating candy, starchy foods, and fatty foods, but you might be surprised to hear fruits may not help you lose weight....
by Art Fitness Training | Feb 1, 2018 | Articles, Blog, Nutrition
Is there a true or proven way to know how many times a day you should eat? More than likely every doctor or nurse you talk to would say something different. They may have the same number of times in a day, but the reasoning behind it may be different. Ultimately...
by Art Fitness Training | Oct 3, 2017 | Articles, Blog, Nutrition
Whether you’re a “weekend warrior” trying to stay fit or an individual that has lost their way and trying to get back in the swing of things to make a lifestyle change to healthy living, what you eat can affect how you perform and your mood...
by Art Fitness Training | Sep 5, 2017 | Blog, Nutrition
We all wish there was just one more hour in the day to get those last minute “to do” items completed or just not feel overwhelmed. When starting on the journey of a healthy lifestyle it is important that we pay close attention to our nutrition and when we are fueling...
by Art Fitness Training | Aug 1, 2017 | Articles, Blog, Fitness, Fitness Training, Nutrition
“The day after an intense training session, I feel sluggish and often sore sometimes even a few days after. My future sessions suffer because I’m unable to put forth 100%. I usually drink water and sometimes a sports drink during my training sessions, but afterward I...