Health and Fitness Articles

Stay On Top of Your Game!

After a Killer workout chances are walking up a flight of stairs or even lifting your arms are unbearable tasks. Instead of just giving up realizing that it is normal to feel sore for the next few days and having a better understanding of where and why your muscle are...

Eating During Exercise

Whether you're a "weekend warrior" trying to stay fit or an individual that has lost their way and trying to get back in the swing of things to make a lifestyle change to healthy living, what you eat can affect how you perform and your mood throughout the day. Eating...

Eating Before Exercise

We all wish there was just one more hour in the day to get those last minute “to do” items completed or just not feel overwhelmed. When starting on the journey of a healthy lifestyle it is important that we pay close attention to our nutrition and when we are fueling...

Happiness is a Choice

  Happiness is a choice! But many wait for permission to be happy and live the life they have always wanted. Permission is nothing more than someone else's approval - as simple as that sounds it keeps many people from succeeding and being happy. Why do we feel...

Just Move

You can have results or excuses...NOT BOTH! A lot of the time we can make things harder than they have to be. And trust me exercise is on top of that list! No matter where you are in your fitness journey, starting from scratch, trying something new, or breaking...

Art Fitness, 2807 Concord Pike, Wilmington DE 19803, 302.477.0123,
