Did you know the average person will gain between 8 and 12 pounds during the holiday season? When you think about that, it’s terrible to think you’d eat that much, but it’s always possible. When you eat the food that people bring to the office or you overeat at the Christmas parties, it’s bound to happen.

There are a number of ways to prevent this extra weight from piling on you during this wonderful and fun time of year. Here are a few suggestions to help you make it through the holiday season without putting on the weight.

  1. Joining a gym will help you to exercise during the holiday season. Spending money on a monthly membership will help you to exercise because you won’t want to spend the money and not get any use of the gym.
  2. Spending time with the family is important during this time of year. Plan to go for a walk each night after dinner. This will help you to get the exercise you need and you’ll be with your family at the same time.
  3. Use your lunch hour to your advantage. You can do your shopping during your lunch hour or you can do your work out at the gym during your lunch hour.
  4. Exercising with a friend is a good way to get the job done. Exercising on your own is a challenge and you may find there is always a reason not to go, but when you have someone to go with you won’t have a reason not to go.
  5. A boot camp may be a way to exercise and keep the holiday weight from finding its way to your stomach and hips. You’ll have the encouragement you need and you’ll get a great workout at the same time.
  6. Use the mall to your advantage. Power walk while you go from one store to the next or make sure you walk from one end to the other so you get the exercise you need.

Exercise is important every day, but it’s vital during the holiday season. There are so many parties, snack items, and other holiday meals to eat that weight tends to creep on whether we like it or not. When you use these tips to exercise it won’t be as easy for it to come on as it wants to think. It’s also important not to give up. Find a way to exercise three or more times a week and it won’t be nearly as bad as what it could be if you didn’t exercise.